"Three Birds, Clue Ribbon and Rocks" | mixed media on canvas | 90" x 60"


“Palomas, Mensajeras de nuevos Tiempos,”Vida y Exito, March 2017, Arturo Castro Barrancas.

“Formas Originarias,” La Prensa, January 6, 2013, Michelle Montenegro.

“10 of the Best Latin American Artists” VOXXI and the Huffington Post, Sept. 2, 2013.

“Formas al Azar,” La Prensa, Arte, Wednesday , Dec. 12,2012, 5B, Michelle Montenegro.

“ Dialogos con Connie Lloveras,” Vida y Exito, January 2012, Myriam B. Moreno.

 “Puertas a La Imaginacion,” edited by Doirreann Hobbs, 2011, pages 24 and 388.

“Hispanic Art Speaks Universal Language,” The New-Journal, Sunday March 11, 2007, Laura Stewart, Fine Arts Writer.

“El Lenguaje de Connie Lloveras,” Site, Revista Dominical de El Panama America, 2005

“En Homenaje a Maria Zembrano,” catalog for exhibition at Museo de America in Velez-Malaga, 2005, p.132 and 133,  Dionisio Consuegra and Patricia Escurredo.

“Caribe y Centro America,” Francisco Nader: Arte Laatinoamericano,2004, p.90-95.

“Del Arte Occidental al Arte Nicaraguense,” Fundacio Ortiz-Guardian, 2003,  texts by Maria Dolores Torres, La Condicion Humana: El Drama Existencial, p. 190 and 191.

“Connie Lloveras:  Museo de Arte Contemporaneo,” Art News, No. 47/Volume 1, 2003, p.134 and 135,

“Ong’s por el Arte,” La Prensa, Mosaico, cover, December 22, 2002.

“Las Palabras Mudas de Connie Lloveras,” El Nuevo Herald, Artes y Letras, Sunday, September 22, 2002, Section E, Carlos M. Luis.

“Palabras Mudas,” La Prensa, Panama, August 25, 2002, Arte, Marti Ostrander Oller.

“Connie Lloveras; Museo de Arte Contemporaneo,” Diorama, 2002, Agustin del Rosario.

“Connie Lloveras: Unspoken Words,” catalog for retrospective exhibition with the same title at the Museo de Arte Contemporaneo in Panama City, Panama, Aug. 13 – Sept. 14, 2002, Caron Damian, Director, Frost Art Museum.

“ReMembering Cuba: Legacy of a Diaspora,”Edited by Andra O’Reilley Herrera, 2001, Living on Borrowed Ground: Connie Lloveras, p.225,

“Memoria: Cuban Art of the 20th Century,” edited by Jose Veigas, Cristina Vives, Adolfo V. Nodal, Valia Garzon, Dannys Montes de Oca, 2001, pages 254, 545, 561

“Art and the Human Condition: Connie Lloveras,”  ReVista, Harvard Review of Latin America, Winter 2001, Art in the Americas, Jennifer Burtner.

“Connie Lloveras: Urgencia Communicativa,” El Nuevo Herald, Sunday, May 20, 2001,Galeria Dominical, Miguel Sirgado.

“Cada Lienzo Una Oracion”,  La Prensa, Friday, April 14, 2000, pages 76 and 77.

“Connie Lloveras: La Expresion Que Va Mas Alla,”  El Nuevo Herald, 1998.

“Breaking Barriers: Selections from the Museum of Art’s Permanent Contemporary Cuban Collection’, catalog with the same title, catalog essay by Carol Damian, Director of Frost Art Museum, pages 17, 97, and 98.

“Connie Lloveras:La Obra Tiene un Mensaje que Expresar,” La Prensa, October 5, l997, pages 17, 8, and 19, Amalia Aguilar Nicolau.

“The Cup Runneth Over: Connie Lloveras’ Recent Works,” catalog for solo exhibition at Americas Collection titled “Connie Lloveras: Wall Works, 1996.

“Lloveras en Americas Collection,” Exito!, February 7, 1996, pages 41 and 42.

“Artist’s Symbolic Imagery Provides Food for Thought,” East Sider, Fort Lauderdale, June 21, 1995, Art Beat, p. 13, Arnold Simon.

“Connie Lloveras: Uniendo Lo Dispar,” El Nuevo Dia, Revista Domingo, November 6, 1994, p. 12-15, Enrique Garcia Gutierrez.

“Connie Lloveras en Forum de las Artes,” El Nuevo Dia, Por Dentro, Wednesday, October 26, 1994 p. 88.

“Expressions of Passion, Freedom,” The San Juan Star, Art, Thursday, October 27, 1994, p. 44, Manuel Alvarez Lezama.

 “Art on the rails,” The Miami Herald, Saturday, June 11,l994, Living Arts lG and 3G, Helen I. Kohen, Herald Art Critic

“A Masterful Show of Cuban Art,” The Miami Herald. October 31, 1993, The Arts, 11 and 41, Helen I. Kohen.

“Artist’s Project for Miami Puts Kids’ Hands on Future: Ceramic Quilt Symbol of Diversity for Station Ceiling,” The Miami Herald, March 10, 1994.  Neighbors, p.3 and 4, Lisa Baerstein.

“Revealing Inner Secrets,” Catalog for solo Exhibition titled “Reflections of Self, Carol Damian, Director Frost Art Museum.

“Reflections of Self,” el Nuevo Herald, Dec.25, 1993, Arte Galeria, 3E, Juan Carlos Perez.

“Art Reflects Hope at Allapattah Middle School,” Miami Herald, Sunday June14, 1992, Neighbors, p. 2, Ann Acle.

“Mural Dedication”, Miami, Herald, Saturday, May 30, 1992, Section E. p. 5, Helen Kohen.

“Giant Mural Reflects Kids’ Roots and Dreams,” Miami Herald, Saturday, May 23, 1992. Section B. p. 1, Liz Balmaseda

“Of Houses and Quilts,” El Nuevo Herald, January 1992, p. 20d, Luis Lopez

”Connie Lloveras:  Magic in Clay,”  Arte en Columbia, January 1991, No. 46, p. 179, 118, and 119.  Leslie Judd Ahlander.

“Cuban Artist Exhibits Her Work,” Diario las Americas, Friday, October 19, 1990. p. 3B.  Guillermo Cabrera Leiva.

“Artist Looks at Life on Home Front,” The Miami Herald, Wednesday, October 17, 1990, Section D. p. 5.  Elisa Turner.

“Connie Lloveras:  Clay Works,” Entertainment News $ Views, Oct. 5 Oct. 11, 1990. p.2, Leslie Judd Ahlander.

“Connie Lloveras:  Clay Works,” Catalog for Solo Exhibition, Leslie Judd Ahlander, October 1990.

“Outside Cuba/Fuera de Cuba:  Contemporary Cuban Visual Artists,”  Edited by Ileana Fuentes-Perez, Graciela Cruz-Taura, Ricardo Pau-Llosa, Published in 1989 by the office of Hispanoic Arts, Rutgers University of New Jersey, and the Research Institute for Cuban Studies, Graduate School of International Studie, University of Miami, Florida. Pages 57, 81, 304-307.

“Hispanic Ceramic Artists – Los Angeles and Miami,” The Studio Potter, June 1989, Volume 17, Number 2. p.22 and 23, John Beardsley.

“Latin American Artists of the Southeast Coastal Region,” Catalog for traveleing show with the same tiltle that initiated at Contemporary Arts Center, New Orleans, Louisisana, Inverna Lockpez, Artist and Curator.

“Diversity in Contemporary Ceramics,” Catalog for show with the same title at Ralph Wilson Gallery, Lehigh University, Bethehem, Pennsylvania, Ccccchristopher Greenman, Guest Curator.

“Away from Home, a New Generation Refines its Style,” The Miami News, Friday, September 30, 1988, Section C. Diane Montane.

“Natives,” The Miami Herald Tropic, Sunday, April 3, 1988, p. 3, Liz Balmaseda.

“At the Galleries, Women Explore the Eighties Show<” The Miami Herald, Thursday, May 28, 1987.  Elisa Turner.

“An exhibition in Which the Distinction Between Art and Craft is Moot,” The Free Press, Saturday, December 5, 1987. p. 17, Adrienne Redd, Free Press writer.

“American Artists of Cuban Origin,” catalog for show of the same title at Miami Dade Community College South Campus Art Gallery, Leslie Judd Ahlander.

“Connie Lloveras,” Linden Lane Magazine, April/June 1985, Vol. IV. No. 2, p. 19. Ricardo Pau-Llosa.

“Show Review, Connie Lloveras: Clay Forms,” The Miami Herald, Friday, June 15, 1984, Sec. D, Helen Kohen, Art Critic.

“Painting and Sculpture as Performance:  The Art of Connie Lloveras,” catalog for solo exhibition titled “Clay Forms,” Carlos Gutierrez de la Solana, Director Visual Artist Program New York Council of the Arts.